Welcome 2014-2015 RMC volunteers

On August 28, the 2014-2015 Redeemer Ministry Corps volunteers celebrated their Missioning Ceremony.  Mary Clare, Sara, Anna and Kelly received their RMC crosses and read their mission statements to the Congregation.   It was a beautiful way to begin their year of service!

Mary Clare is serving as a nurse in Holy Redeemer Hospital and as a Health Liaison at Drueding Center.

Sara McNary is serving as a Patient Care Assistant in Holy Redeemer Hospital and as a Resident Support Specialist at Redeemer Village.

Anna Smaron is serving as a Nursing Assistant in Holy Redeemer Hospital and as a Patient Support in the Southampton Women’s Health Center.

Kelly LeDoux is serving as a Patient Care Assistant in Holy Redeemer Hospital and as a Family Partner Specialist at Drueding Center.



We are grateful for the presence of Anna, Kelly, Sara and Mary Clare this year, and for their dedication to service.  We pray that this is a fruitful year for them!