Giving Thanks

Thank you, Father, for having created us and given us to each other in the human family. Thank you for being with us in all our joys and sorrows, for your comfort in our sadness, your companionship in our loneliness. Thank you for yesterday, today, tomorrow and for the whole of our lives. Thank you for friends, for health and for grace. May we live this and every day conscious of all that has been given to us.

 From The Catholic Prayer Book, compiled by Msgr. Michael Buckley.

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, we are invited to reflect on our lives with a spirit of gratitude. When the days begin to grow colder and the nights grow longer, this sense of love and gratitude that Thanksgiving brings is a welcomed feeling of light and warmth!

The RMC volunteers are now more than 3 months into their ministries.  Some of them will be visiting with family members for Thanksgiving, while others will be enjoying the holiday with their new Redeemer family.  Wherever they celebrate, they will be in our thoughts and prayers, as their presence here this year is something for which we are truly grateful.

  • We are grateful for Sara, and the gifts that she shares with us and with those she serves at Redeemer Village and Holy Redeemer Hospital: her generosity and her deep spirituality.
  • We are grateful for Mary Clare, and the gifts that she shares with us and with those she serves at Drueding Center and Holy Redeemer Hospital: her friendly, welcoming attitude, her passion for nursing and serving others.
  • We are grateful for Kelly, and the gifts that she shares with us and with those she serves at Drueding Center and Holy Redeemer Hospital: her compassion, her prayerful spirit.
  • We are grateful for Anna, and the gifts that she shares with us and with those she serves at the Women’s Health Center and Holy Redeemer Hospital: her dedication to her ministries, her beautiful faith sharing.




Have a wonderful, joyous Thanksgiving holiday!

Reflections in Ministry…Anna

I am having a wonderful time out here in Philadelphia.  I love being so close to the ocean as well as a variety of major cities, and growing in community with other volunteers, the Sisters, and my coworkers.  I also love serving at both of my ministry sites. The Maternity Ward and Women’s Health Center both have their joys and challenges and have allowed me to learn so much in just a short amount of time.  My favorite thing about Maternity is being able to work with the mothers alongside their babies.  I enjoy seeing the smiles stretch across the parents’ faces as I tell them that they have the most beautiful baby!  My favorite thing about the Women’s Health Center is being able to work with Doctor Dupree and the Healing Consciousness Foundation.  She cares very much about her patients and invites me to join in on that compassionate environment by allowing me to be a presence to her patients and help out with classes sponsored by her foundation.

ana– Anna serves as a Nurse Aide in Holy Redeemer Hospital and as a Patient Support in the Southampton Women’s Health Center.