RMC Reflection…Mary Clare

I remember the anxiety I was feeling about a year ago. I had just graduated from nursing school and was beginning to think about what I wanted to do with my next year. I anxiously looked over job postings and different new graduate residency programs. There were so many routes I could take. To say I felt overwhelmed would have been an understatement. It was at this point that I paused to say a simple prayer, “Lord I am willing to do your will, you just need to show me what that is.” Two days later, Kelly, a current RMC, emailed me saying I should look into the RMC program. I was hesitant at first, as this would be a very different route than what I had envisioned for myself as a new nurse, but I took a leap of faith and applied.

So here I am. As I went to different interviews and applied to different programs, I began to feel this peace around the decision of becoming an RMC. I think that this is the biggest grace and gift that this year has given me. By opening up my heart and will to whatever Christ may put at my feet I began to realize that He will lead us places that we never expected to be, but once you are there you can’t imagine having gone anywhere else. This year I have had the privilege to live and grow in relationship with the three other amazing RMCs, who I am blessed to call my friends. I have also grown in relationship with the Sisters of the Holy Redeemer, who teach me so much about faith, love, humility and service. I serve two days a week at the Drueding Center where I am blessed to spend time with the children and their families. Holding a child, reading them a book, teaching them about fruits and vegetables, making goals with families are all ways I have encountered God through others. Three days a week I serve in the hospital on the Day Surgery unit. This floor has challenged me to grow as a nurse and has also blessed me with the knowledge of many experienced, skillful and encouraging teachers.

As this year comes to an end and I again find myself discerning what my next chapter will look like, I hope to carry this message with me:  “I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29: 11 All it takes is a little bit of trust, openness to God’s will and a sense of adventure.